
Haarlem train station is 10 minutes by bus. There are many bus lines. (

Transfer to Schiphol Airport there is a direct busline (Zuidtangent) and the train (

You also can book a transfer with us.

By car

From highway A9, take the turn ‘Haarlem Zuid/Zandvoort”,
After 1,2 kilometers keep right to A205 direction Haarlem-Zuid Continue untill Florapark
After 240 meters take a sharp turn to the left direction Wagenweg
After 390 meters turn right direction Schouwtjeslaan
After 20 meters turn right direction Wilhelminapark
You arrived, directly on the lefthandside you see our B&B

Free public parking around the corner (Schouwtjeslaan), in front of the B&B the costs are €3,25 per hour maximum 3 uur parking.

Route click on the map below. (googlemaps)